

CLFMA OF INDIA is an Apex Chamber, nurturing “One Voice” of the Livestock Industry. It was formed in the year 1967 with the objective of helping the promotion of overall animal husbandry, including the promotion of the concept of balanced feeding of animals in accordance with their nutritional requirements for deriving from them maximum output through productivity improvement. It was broad-based to include members from all sectors of livestock production during 2002.

We have a membership base of around 250 members, representing Dairy, Aqua, Poultry, and others related to the Indian Livestock Industry viz. manufacturers and suppliers of feed additives, raw materials, feed plant and machinery, Laboratory equipment and breeders, integrators, meat processors and exporters, vaccine manufacturers, animal health, etc.

CLFMA Objectives:
  1. To represent the Livestock Industry in various policy making forums related to Livestock Sector in India.
  2. To provide information and education to the members and farming communities with a view to upgrade standards and performance levels of Livestock Sector to the potential.
  3. To interface with scientific / other communities both within and outside the country to facilitate application of new scientific developments in the industry.
  4. To provide a forum for interaction within the industry to learn and implement best practices amongst its members.

Thus, the broad objective has been to facilitate / enhance the contributions of the input providers and output processors to the development of Livestock Sector.

CLFMA Activities:
  1. The feed manufacturers among our members have set up modern and efficient feed mills, with facilities for analytical testing of feed raw materials and finished feeds for providing quality assurance.
  2. CLFMA has evolved standard specifications for compound feed for Cattle, Poultry and Pigs and for the purchase of feed raw materials, which should help in providing quality assurance to farmers.
  3. CLFMA organizes / conducts National Symposia, Seminars and Orientation Courses at veterinary colleges, Farmer Workshops, and other educational programmes.
  4. Encourages applied research- “CLFMA AWARDS” for the best research work in India.
  5. CLFMA collects, classifies, and circulates Technical, Managerial and Statistical information, besides information on government policies – On line, latest news, and information on our website.
  6. Makes representations to Central and State Governments and submits suggestions, thus providing a strong platform to voice of the industry before the Central and State Government.
  7. CLFMA sponsors research / surveys and studies, which are necessary and helpful for the growth of Livestock Industry.
Indian Feed Industry:

The Indian Feed Industry is going through a phase which will set the direction for the next decade of Indian protein sufficiency. The Livestock sector provides about 6-6.5% to the GDP and total about 30% of the contribution to the Agricultural GDP. The Growth of the feed Industry is what we called as close to the Indian GDP number of 7-8% with a target to move up to 10% PA. The reasons attributed to this growth percentage has been the rise of Middle class with disposable Income, awareness about the dietary requirements and the overall rise in Population numbers. The feed industry is getting support from consumers in terms of market size moving higher but on the other hand there are challenges like:

  • Industry Consolidation.
  • Higher cost of Feed Raw Material cost.
  • Import Export Policies and procedures.
  • Country Protective policies.

In-spite of all these challenges India has managed to achieve fantastic results in terms of being:

No-1 – In Milk Production
No-2 – In Aquaculture Production
No-3– In Fish Production
No-3 – In Egg Production
No-5 – In Broiler Production

Indian Government Focus:

The Indian feed industry plays a crucial role in supporting the country’s agriculture sector and ensuring food security. In recent years, the government has been putting a stronger focus on the development of the feed industry to improve the overall economy and promote sustainable agriculture practices. One of the key areas of government focus has been to increase the production of high-quality feed ingredients within the country. This is in line with the government’s goal of achieving self-sufficiency in feed production and reducing reliance on imports. To support this, the government has launched various initiatives such as the National Livestock Mission, which aims to increase domestic production of feed ingredients and reduce the cost of animal feed. Another area of focus has been on promoting research and development in the feed industry. The government has established various research institutions and funded research projects to improve the quality and efficiency of feed production. This has resulted in the development of innovative and cost-effective feed formulations that have helped to increase the productivity of the agriculture sector.

Government Initiatives:

Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund:
The Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) was established as part of the Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan stimulus package with a corpus of US$ 1.82 billion (Rs. 15,000 crore). The Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) has been given permission to promote private businesses, MSME, Farmers’ Producers Organisations (FPOs), and Section 8 companies investing in animal husbandry infrastructure to establish Dairy Processing and value addition.

A total of 6676 direct jobs have been created, and 1,00,000 farmers have benefited from 82 units, which includes Animal Feed Plants among others. To date, 95 projects have been funded. 61.56 lakh MT per year feed manufacturing capacity added to existing feed production capacity (Cattle Feed around 15.39 lakh MT per year, Poultry Feed around 46.17 lakh MT per year).

National Livestock Mission:
In 2014–15, the National Livestock Mission (NLM) was launched. With an emphasis on improving the supply of high-quality feed and fodder, risk management, efficient extension, improved credit flow, and livestock farmer/rearing organisations, among other things, this Mission was established with the aim of accomplishing the long-term development of the livestock industry. Through the following Sub-Missions, the scheme is carried out:

  • Sub-Mission on Feed and Fodder development:
    In-order to enhance the supply of certified fodder seed required for fodder production, the fodder seed chain must be strengthened. Additionally, through financial incentives, the development of fodder Block/Hey Bailing/Silage Making Units by entrepreneurs is encouraged.
  • Sub-Mission on Extension and Innovation:
    The purpose of the sub-mission is to encourage institutions, academic institutions, and companies that do research and development in the feed and fodder, sheep, goat, and pig industries, as well as extension programmes, livestock insurance, and innovation.

The CLFMA plays a crucial role in supporting the growth and development of the Indian feed industry. It provides a platform for feed manufacturers to come together, exchange knowledge and best practices, and address common issues and challenges. The association works closely with government bodies to represent the industry’s interests and advocate for policies and regulations that foster its growth.

For further information on the CLFA visit: https://www.clfma.org/